Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Intelligence, Schmelligence: Look At Those Cans!

I found myself in an annoying debate with the husband last night. We were watching this talk show about the idea of "friendship" between men and women. This guy, who has been "hanging out" with a friend --who also happens to be a super gorgeous chick-- has been growing ever more smitten, given his discovery that she is "actually really smart and interesting."

Ok. Let me get this straight. An average looking girl with a Mensa membership has to bust her ass to get a dude's interest, but a super gorgeous girl is instantly pedestal-worthy because --shock, gasp-- she's "smart" and dare I say it- "interesting"?

Since when is it an after thought that someone we are investing time and energy into doesn't make us yawn? Don't get me wrong, I know the intoxication factor of a hot piece of assumption: smokin' chicks don't have to be smart. They get free passes in life because they're smokin'. But, when it comes to investing time in a relationship--which this friend is clearly doing, being that he's been seeing this girl for some time now--I would think the criteria for "girlfriend" might be more than Hot.

Perhaps I'm more naive than I thought. I've always prided myself on thinking "like a guy." I know that my pre-pregnancy body circa-2006 was a big reason I got asked on so many dates. But, I also know that I was sure to spend some time intellectually sparring with anyone I was interested in. Most of the guys I've dated have put worth on the size of my brain, not just the size of my tatas, before we started spanning time together.

And yes, dumb hot chicks of the world have given hot chicks in general a bad rep. There are some utterly vapid dumbasses out there who don't give a flying fart that they can't spell what is being poured into their free drinks. But they also aren't giving a thought to the fact that their pretty pouts and sexy smiles won't get them jobs when they're past their prime and trying to survive.

And this guy was no schlub, either. He was handsome and articulate, and didn't reek of creepy geek. He also talked about being a supersmart tech wiz, and that it was refreshing to have a hot friend whom he could talk shop with. Or maybe that's the problem. Being with a pretty, smart girl is nothing new for him. Being with a spectacularly hot girl is more of an intriguing prospect. Now, make that a nerdy, spectacularly hot girl and maybe it seems the gods have been smiling especially prosperous on this guy.

My husband argued that, while there are plenty of men (and women) who think good looks and smarts are mutually exclusive, I just might be taking this talk show dude's opinion a little too personally.

Maybe I'm just pissy because I feel my youth, and with it my ability to be seen as the hot chick, slowly slipping through my baby formula-stained fingers. True, I plan on being the best broad I can be at any age ---I will do my damnedest to show what a 75-year-old GILF can look like--- but as for the 18-29 stereotypical age span when guys are biologically programmed to give double-takes and catcalls; methinks that time may have met it's expiration date.

And so, I let things like guys musing about a pretty girl who's also smart affect me. But, I'll just remember that the next time I see a guy who is drool-tastic who is also fantastic at changing poopy diapers.

Oh, wait. That's Glenn. My bad.

And the part about being a 75-year old GILF? I'm very sorry. I threw up in my mouth a little reading that phrase again, too.

TODAY'S ROXY SHOCKS RX: Hang out with someone who's really hot and find something boring and/or dumb that they do. Then tell me all about it.

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